Contact Us
Get in touch with Phanes Cloud
Customer Support
If you wish to contact sales or are an existing customer looking to get in touch, please use the button below to create a support ticket. We are happy to assist you!
Phanes Networks B.V.
Keteldiep 15-P
NL-8321MH Urk
The Netherlands
We do not accept visitors at this address.
Office hours
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00 (CE(S)T timezone)
Email: [email protected]
Network Information
Abuse Center
Report Abuse
To report abuse, request takedowns, or other contact about the activities of our customers, please e-mail us at:
Government Requests
For quick cooperation, we request government organizations to reach out to us directly by phone or e-mail:
If you're not a government organization and still report abuse to the e-mail above, it might cause delays.
To report abuse, please follow these steps:
- Gather all relevant details, including URLs, IP addresses, logs, and any evidence of abuse.
- Send an email to the address shown above.
- Provide as much information as possible to help our investigation team respond quickly.
To speed up the process, DO NOT send multiple e-mails for the same issue.
To help us investigate and take action, please include the following in your report:
- IP addresses involved.
- URLs or domains associated with the abuse.
- Time and date of the incidents.
- Relevant server logs or screenshots.
- Any other evidence you believe will help.
There are several possible reasons why your emails may be rejected:
- If you have repeatedly submitted multiple abuse reports for the same issue, sent fake reports, reported abuse that does not fall under Dutch law, or have been spamming our abuse mailbox, your email address may have been blocked by our mailserver.
- Alternatively, your email may have triggered our spam filters or your email server could be blacklisted.
If your emails are blocked, you can submit your report via postal mail to our office address shown on this page.